Urban Demons, a tale of two souls lost in the darkness. Take control of Peter, the perverted young male, as you journey around the city seeking to complete your goals. Encounter a variety of women, all of whom you can talk and interact with… or more! However, discover your fate as you travel into the very depths of hell to uncover the truth of who you are. But more importantly who or what you will become.
Your main goal is to corrupt all the women you can find as you travel between the real world and the Otherworld. This goal becomes slightly easier when you are blessed by demonic forces. But are these powers there to merely help you? Or are there more sinister motives at hand? With a large selection of NPCs to interact with and a compelling story that will see you enter the depths of hell, be sure to check out the latest version!
Thread Updated: 2020-06-17
Release Date: 2020-06-14
Developer: NergalsNest
Censorship: None
Version: 1.1 Beta
OS: Windows
Language: English
Overview:Urban Demons, a tale of two souls lost in the darkness. Take control of Peter, the perverted young male, as you journey around the city seeking to complete your goals. Encounter a variety of women, all of whom you can talk and interact with… or more! However, discover your fate as you travel into the very depths of hell to uncover the truth of who you are. But more importantly who or what you will become.
Your main goal is to corrupt all the women you can find as you travel between the real world and the Otherworld. This goal becomes slightly easier when you are blessed by demonic forces. But are these powers there to merely help you? Or are there more sinister motives at hand? With a large selection of NPCs to interact with and a compelling story that will see you enter the depths of hell, be sure to check out the latest version!
Changelogv1.1 Beta
Urban Demons 1.1 – The End
Hey all,
Happy to say here is the “final” build for Urban Demons (1.1). This should sort out all the major issues people were having, as well as adding in the scene dialogues for Donna and the Daily dialogue for Kaylee.
Additionally an epilogue of sorts has been added that does a bit of a round up of each character with some (VERY) tasty new artwork and some additional scenes. This is played after defeating Goap and making the final choice in the game. You can also replay it in the hall of memories once you have completed the game (so you don’t need to replay the entire game to see it.)
That said, I’m not sure how compatible old saves will be with this build (particularly those that were saved pre-end game but while leading up to the end). But hopefully they should be ok from my testing.
Other than the above no new features have been added, this has been mainly about fixing the bugs that were present and trying to polish off the game. Due to the length of time though I’d thought it would be nice to add in something a little extra. So big thanks to Glassfish for coming back to do a bit of work on it! I hope you all enjoy!
Until next time
v1.0 Beta
- Players can now progress to the end of the game!
- The Underworld is now fully traversable! (There’s quite a few areas)
- There’s 5 different endings (one very bad, one bad, three good – a different scene for each ending)
- The credits will roll, but you will return back to the game, able to continue and play on your save as normal
- A new introduction has been added too
- Kaylee’s progression re-added to the game
- Hope you like it!
- Brigette X Sydney Threesome
- You need them them both at level 4
- Talk to Brigette at night to begin the story line
- Sex Shop Investment added
- Now on the map (bottom half)
- Can invest into it, able to get lingerie for Brigette, Sydney, Mrs Jennings, Ms Amos, Neala and Kimberly
- New homes for Ms Amos and Mrs Jennings storyline
- You need to have completed the game and reached level 5 with them both
- Talking to them (like long progression) will trigger the start of this
- Major sound improvements
- Lots of sound effects added back into the scenes that were missing before
- X-Ray power added
- You activate it via the Q menu
- Minor X-Ray shows underwear busts (for those that have it)
- It also shows lingerie busts if you’ve bought them the outfit
- Major X-Ray shows nude busts (you can pick which one you want to activate)
- Lots of bug fixes
- Mainly focused around missing scenes and such
v0.11 Beta
New scenes / events:
– Neala’s Full Progression has been added (including a new BJ scene for her), including her cosplay event
– Kimberly’s Store Doggy intro has been added
– Kimberly’s Cosplay Costume and Event have been added
– Sarah’s “10 heart scene” has been added (this replaces the art that occurs when Fred records you with Sarah)
– Lisa’s “10 heart scene” has been added (this replaces the former missionary art)
– Donna’s Daily Dialogue’s have been completed
Gameplay Changes:
– The Otherworld is once again accessible
– The Invisibility and Persuasion skills are no longer available from the start and must be found in the Otherworld
– The Cafe has been majorly reworked – there are now more characters there are certain times and hopefully some scenes will come in the future!
Bug Fixes:
– Fixed a major bug where sometimes the auto-save would load to a black screen
– Made it less confusing for Donna’s progression. The journal entry doesn’t show the Donna invite to school option until she has visited home
– Fixed an issue where the first Donna home visit is skipped
– You can now no longer visit the school on the weekend or the bar earlier than the afternoon/night
v0.10 Beta
Major Changes:
– Donna re-write
– Full re-write you can now get her to your home and the school, and interact in the bar
– 1 New scene
– The new map transfer system has been added
– Basically the city map is different
– You can view who is at what location for each day (but you have to discover that information first)
– North District and Central District now appear on the same map
– You can now visit the public pool and invest!
– Buy Brigette, Sydney, Mrs Jennings, Ms Amos and Kimberly some sexy swim suits and have some fun!
– Highschool has been added back in
– Very few interactions so far, but will be expanded upon in the future
Minor Changes:
– The cost of comic shop investment has dropped to 400
– The cost of comic costumes has dropped to 100
– The camera is now only purchasable once and camera interactions spots should only appear now when you can actually use it
– Dizzy’s recording scene is now available
– Ms Amos recording scene is now available
– Lisa’s hidden recording scene is now available
Bug Fixes:
– Sydney Babysitting Wardrobe Fuck now working
– Added the Neala bust back into the file system, even though she’s not back in the game yet it stops you crashing if you do find her
– Can no longer get the Sydney dinner scene when she isn’t there
– Fixed a load of bugs on the Ms Amos and Sarah BM route
Incomplete / Known Issues:
X All Donna’s dialogue after first time scenes
X Donna’s Level 4 daily dialogue
X Sydney’s babysitting dialogue
– Re-write the pay me on dialogues
– Lisa Morning car BJ dialogue level 2 and up
– Lisa Pre Toilet Dialogue Level 4/5
– Kimberly store dialogue 4&5
– Brigette – Store scenes (Build up dialogue is there, just scene dialogue is missing for BJ and Fuck)
– Make Mrs Jennings Store TF repeatable
– Ms Amos Dialogue (all levels) at the cafe
X Failed to load dialogue: Data/Dialogues/Mrs Jennings/babysitting-corruption/3.txt
X Failed to load dialogueata/Dialogues/Mrs Jennings/babysitting-purity/5.txt
X Data/Dialogues/Dizzy/paymeon-peter-home-missionary-purity/5.txt
0.10 Alpha
Major Changes:
– The new map transfer system has been added
– Basically the city map is different
– You can view who is at what location for each day (but you have to discover that information first)
– North District and Central District now appear on the same map
– Highschool has been added back in
– Very few interactions so far, but will be expanded upon in the future
Minor Changes:
– The cost of comic shop investment has dropped to 400
– The cost of comic costumes has dropped to 100
Bug Fixes:
– Sydney Babysitting Wardrobe Fuck now working
– fixed dizzy bug where you couldn’t get her final scene
– fixed a potential issue where you could get Dizzy’s progression above 5
– fixed an issue where you couldn’t take the camera back from Ms Amos camera position
– You can now finally invite Brigette and Sydney to the comic book event
– Corrected the journal entry for Mrs J Address
– Created an icon showing video camera locations instead of the red circle
– fixed the somebodysetupusthebomb cheatcode to actually work
– Corrected the journal system if you’re following the BM route for Sarah
– fixed an issue where the first time with Lisa at her home while watching her doesn’t play
1. Extract and run.
OTHERS: COMPRESSED* – FNFZone Mod – Xalanda Mod – Boku Mod