A Struggle With Sin is the story of a fantasy world in the midst of a civil war.
Rising taxes and raids by orcs and bandits make each villager act according to their own needs first.
Will you become like the others in this corrupt society? Or will you stay true to yourself and find a way out of the chaos that surrounds you?
Thread Updated: 2025-02-01
Release Date: 2025-01-24
Developer: Chyos Patreon – Subscribestar
Censored: No
Version: Test
OS: Windows
Overview:A Struggle With Sin is the story of a fantasy world in the midst of a civil war.
Rising taxes and raids by orcs and bandits make each villager act according to their own needs first.
Will you become like the others in this corrupt society? Or will you stay true to yourself and find a way out of the chaos that surrounds you?
Changelogv0.5.9.7 Test
- 1 new map
- 2 new animations with Kate at the old boar’s inn
- Claire’s anal animations are now available at night in her bedroom at the Drunken Fox
- New scene for Bianca at home if you completed Gavina’s content up to the point that she got new clothes
- New dialog images & sprite for Tia
- New scene with Tia & Dwain at the camp
- New scene with Maui & Dasan (fanmade scene by Xenowave! A big thank you to him for his work on this scene!) – It is a continuation of the scene with Umah & Maui
- New automation functions for mercenary management (I hope they all work correctly) You can also build an additional tent at the camp to house more mercenaries.
- A lot of smaller changes that I can’t all recall (Things like editing Yasmine’s old ride animation in the livingroom slightly so that her butt doesn’t look so edgy)
- Bugfixes! A lot of them. Thank you to all of you who reported them in the past month!
v0.5.9.6 (Winterhowl Special 2024)
In the end it wasn’t possible without some crunch on the finishline, but it was definitly worth it! In the last hour I added another animation which I just HAD to add… totally worth sleeping one less hour for it. – In case you wonder, yes the title image has nothing to do with the current scene, that’s from Athia’s christmas special 2022.
Ok I’m not going to spoil anything about the scene other than you already know… Only that to start the little quest you must have had Sex with Helena and Yasmine then the quest should start when you are in Arenfield and it is either December ingame or December in Real life (so just now). The scene has a repeatable option, but it currently isn’t available as a dream scene… I might add that in the future, but for now it isn’t planned. Krampus now also has a new reward if you haven’t slayn him this year already (If you did you must pass another ingame year to kill him again).
- New Flail and Club weapons that you can craft starting at iron
- New weapon animations for all weapons (will only show for newly gathered weapons after this update, you can use the bow&arrow north of Arenfield to update your gear)
- Expanded the scene with Bianca in Arenfield with 4 animations (more about that at the end of this post)
- A new quest will begin after you completed the rescue mission in the mine. If you complete that quest after this update 1 week must pass before you can trigger it, for everyone who already did it the only condition is that you have at least 1 mercenary stationed at the mine. Then visit your camp, Lyvia has to be there to give you a briefing.
- New content for Gavina, will only trigger after you reached the deeper mine and you must have completed all of her previous progression (up to completing her anal training quest).
- New gear and new enemies (During my tests I noticed that on the higher level which the goblins can have the damage calculation is really really off. This is something I will work on in the next days so that the fight’s don’t take that long!)
- Rework of Lyvia’s and Bianca’s dialog images + Made combat sprites for Bianca, Bianca can now join your group in the mine and has some (almost overpowered) new skills that I made for her.
- New characters with sprites & dialog images
- 1 new map
- 1 adjusted and 1 new defeat scene for the mine with the goblins.
- New music (I still have an earworm)
- In total ~880 New/reworked images in this update (Some more transition and nonesex animations)
- Smaller changes: You can now convince Nyra to help you with Umah even if she isn’t your wanita, Corven will now let you learn skills (like building traps) even if you didn’t complete Arianna’s quest.
- A lot of bugfixes! Thank you all again for the reports… I still have some more reports pending in my pm’s that I couldn’t all work on, but I will go through them in the coming days.
New animations and interactions with Lilly
Smaller changes and bugfixes
fixed: Kicking out Henry freezes the game, Dialog at Penny’s table got disabled after completing the quest, Entering coldstone 2nd floor causes getting stuck, Coldstone estate map freezing during day (after talking to farmers), Entering the barn is impossible if not progressed Kate’s story, Problems with Dave & Penny’s scene (involving Henry), typos and other smaller problems;
Added: Alternative dialog when renovating the MC’s house after doing Penny’s quest (before interaction with Emily happened). – Big thanks to marniakeur and the others who reported these bugs!
it’s gotten again late, but now Ophilia’s scene is finally done!
This one has really cost me some nerves. Kate’s drinking event needed several changes for this scene to properly work. I have also been working on an additional scene with Rick & Ophilia that originally wasn’t planned – But during my work on the scene I decided that without it something would be missing in the buildup, so I added it. To trigger the new content you have to play Kate’s serving game in the tavern. If Ophilia is serving there as well and the MC has progressed with her up to the current end of her story. You can call her over for a drink, Rick or the MC can then pay and give her a tip – For Rick this will require some getting to know before she sits down (not possible in ntr off mode). If she sits with the MC and Rick until the end of the evening she will be drunk and either the MC or MC & Rick will have to bring her upstairs.
A little bit of progressing is necessary to see all scenes, but I will leave the exploring part to you.
On top of the bonus scene I also finally added Ophilias dream scene! It has a few variations and has a random chance to play with different corruption states or drunken/not drunken. It will get available after you progressed Ophilia up to the point where she changes her looks.
The scene at the huntinground has gotten a small update (Tia & Orcs) also finally fixed the animation… Sorry, wasn’t aware it was broken until I played it through.
Also fixed the MC’s jerk off scene with Tia in the mine… the scene still has grass on all areas, and looking at the prevote on discord this won’t change anytime soon… well maybe when I get too frustrated by it
v0.5.8.6 Test
•Maps: Reworked the Deep forest map, added 3 more maps which can be found Southeast of Arenfield (leave downhill next to the waterfall).
•Continuation of Penny’s quest with new animations and scenes for her. (~700 images)
•Rebalance of some of the item prices. Penny will now also sell roosters if there is more than 1 in the chickencoop as well as eggs if there are more than 10. As part of the quest she will also have cows that can get pregnant and that will produce milk which is currently only used to boost Penny’s income. The mill will also produce flour which Penny will bake into breads (The mill produces 2 flour per day and Penny can bake max 3 bread per day)
•Penny will also have to pay taxes now, there is a possible interaction with Dave, can be prevented by either making sure Penny has enough money (you can now also put gold into her lockbox) or by interacting with Dave directly when he collects the taxes. The tax collection will only begin after the quest has progressed to that point. there is also an additional quest that shows how many days are left until the next payment. (for the future I plan to replace this with an overview screen, but for now that would be overkill in terms of workload)
•A new named merc at the camp that allows you to recruit mercenaries directly. He will come to your camp after you lost the first merc in any way. After that you can of course also send him off, in that case he won’t show off again.
•Bugfixes! (For details check the discord channel) As always a big thanks to all of you for the reports!
Fixed an image bug with Tia&Brigands, Fixed a freeze bug with Frisha&Grant
Fixed an endless loop with Hiba&Tomak, Fixed chicken coop, Fixed bug with Gwen’s sexscene getting stuck, Fixed no choices when spying on Mira
Fixed image stuttering for the Hiba/Dasan BJ scene, Added: The transition with Penny to the Coldstone estate is now longer so that the player knows where it actually is.
- Complete rework of Ayita’s content. Reworked all animations, added additional animations where they were missing + reworked her sprites and dialog images. + Continued her story up to the point where she is claimable (only on non Dasan route and only if women aren’t free for all men)
- Added a love route for Hiba (alternatively to her corruption route, after raising her affection to 3 interact with her at the fire in the evening) + reworked her dialog images
- 3some scene with Ayita & Hiba (dialog for this one came a bit short, I’m sorry for that, and it will be expanded in the future, but right now I really wanted a closure)
- New animation for Tia at the fire (I couldn’t resist, it felt so bad that you would only be able to call her over just so you could say goodnight)
- Complete rework of the Firescene in general, the way the scene was before didn’t work with the new features it now has. But that is something you will see for yourself
- All other interactions between women and other men near the fire are now animated (Hiba/Tomak, Ayita/Dasan, Tia/Dasan. You can now also watch them while sitting at the fire in the evening
- Added a small animation for Hiba/Dasan (BJ scene without background).
- All together the bonus scene had 1645 new images.
- Rework of some of Penny’s early dialog and events. Added new animations to some of the existing events (no rework of old animations) – It’s now also finally possible to have vaginal sex with her in the masturbate event.
- New Quest for Penny, will begin in the middle of her normal progression (can also be started afterwards by talking to her when she is on the field)
- Added some a new scene for her in the morning (you must complete her new quest up to the point where you get the reminder that the rest will come in and then stay the night in her bed, this is now also possible on the Henry route). (in total 530 new images)
- 1 new scene with Henry & Penny
- 3 new characters with sprites and dialog images, more to come for them in
- 2 new maps (to the south of the fields map)
- Traps can now also catch chicken and rooster (can be put into the chicken coop, after you built it) – for chicken to hatch you need at least 1 chicken and 1 rooster in the chicken coop. Chicken will lay eggs every day with a certain chance. This will require some more balancing in the future.
- New icons for the time of day. They have also been added to the waiting menu to make it more intuitive.
- Another round of bugfixes, again thank you for all the reports! (for details on this check the bugreport channel on discord)
And that should be it… I hope I didn’t forget anything important…
Fixed problems with Claire at the old boar inn (After you shared her with Bjorn she went wild), Fixed interaction with Claire at the drunken fox at night when she thought Kate was in bed when that wasn’t the case.
Fixed another dialog bug with Carmen on the love route
1. Extract and run.
Extras: CG Rip* – Walkthrough (v0.5.9.1) / Web Walkthrough – Saves – Old Mc dialog images – Weapon/Armor Guide – Cheatbook Mod*