LonaRPG [v0. Beta] [EccmA417]

Cold… Grim… Unforgiving… Deadly… This is the world of LonaRPG.
Play the story of a young woman named Lona, who must survive in this gothic and cruel world.
Explore a grimdark, twisted, and open world where one little mistake can cost Lona her life…
Can you help Lona survive? (And protect her smile?)​

Thread Updated: 2025-01-25
Release Date: 2025-01-05
Developer: EccmA417 Fanbox – Subscribestar – Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: Beta
OS: Windows
Language: English, Chinese

Overview:Cold… Grim… Unforgiving… Deadly… This is the world of LonaRPG.
Play the story of a young woman named Lona, who must survive in this gothic and cruel world.
Explore a grimdark, twisted, and open world where one little mistake can cost Lona her life…
Can you help Lona survive? (And protect her smile?)​

Images1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png

-*buggy, Lisa bomb vandor typo cause a crash.
-*buggy, fixed all suck HumanPenis events penis XY.
-*buggy, added a additional portrait key clearn when switch maps.
-*buggy, cannot_trigger_madness is merged with cannot_trigger and fix parallax overevents dialog popup with wrong dialog lines.

*** yeap nothing cool. mostly mod API&core fix, dont have noticable gameplay changes ***
*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
-*fixed, allowed to load mails from a mod. ex:$mail_text.load_file_and_create_list(“asd/”)
-*core, all array based manual_trade is removed from game, to a hash based manual_barters.(also add slave dresses to resonable vandors)
-*core, reward_item_to_storage now full string.
-*fixed, equip UI now with a protector blocker to bondage equips. only equip it when player spam clicks.
-*fixed, a actor.banned_receiver_holename verb to block spec sex slot, only effect to common&prostituation sex event. applyed to ItemBucketHelmet.
-*added, a basic linux launcher. req “proton experimental” or “wine”.(thanks Lenderian)

-*fixed, $data_tilesets now a hash, and new API to allowed insert new tileset from a mod,(demo7)

*** DO NOT PLAY 0950. its fucked ***
-*buggy, trade with npc will cause a crash after Napping.

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
*** no prev stable update because its not stable ***
-*buggy, arena warriors stucked caused by 0940.(@forced_move_type_return_off, def process_ai_state :none to nil,test)
-*buggy, game crash when load a empty save slot, add file protect in self.load_game_without_rescue(index) when file isnt exist.
-*buggy, a event crash in def play_sex_service_break, between setup_audience and npc_story_mode off will have a free time to make npc update move_route.
-*fixed, now no longer get exp when max_level.(to avoid math overfloat crash.)
-*buggy, quickslot equip swap checkism from item == item to item.item_name == item.item_name.(no more weird Qslot equip swap after load game)
-*mods, a new map hack api allow dev to hack event b4 its loaded.(demo6)
-*fixed, wound state controller usage from state.id to stateName hash.
-*fixed, EfxCorrosionArea now a water tile,
-*fixed, BasicDeepone and ProjectileWaterMist now summon a water tile.
-*fixed, CompFireMage,UniqueElise add skill NpcFireShotgun.
-*fixed, fix parallax graphics function never works unless “new game” since begin.
-*fixed, Ext Slots now save from item itself to item_name.
-*fixed, save patch now rewrite ver info when reset map.
-*core, DataManager.extra_map_register remove region/tag map register line.(should manual register to $data_region_maps && $data_tag_maps like mod demo do.)
-*core, RGSS $data_common_event is moved to json and make its switch based on hash.

-*buggy, WaterBookHeavy not compatible to npc, and it crash.

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
-*core, merge UMM text loader code. (refence demo2, and $game_text[“ModID:FileName:Flag/Flag”] would load ur text)
-*core, all item.name and item.description now save flag itself, and ui load the flags.

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
-*fixed, merged “”MOST”” UMM parts. “SHOULD” support mods based on UMM.

-*fixed, some more UMM gui merge and adjust.

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
-*buggy, TribeForestArcher.rb fix some failed rebuild by 0940.
-*buggy, equip screen postion error when return from item list to equip_slot, by keyboard, pressed left.
-*buggy, some human waste event error cause lona cant pick it up.
-*buggy, error with text flag for partner record in sex record menu.
EfxCorrosionArea XY now a water tile, ProjectileWaterMist now also summon a water tile,

*** Save location for gamelona.ini and saves are now moved to /UserData/ folder. ***
*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***
-*added, BucketHelmet, as RecQuestNorthFL_Main quest reward.(buy from NorthFL_Dock)
-*added, Cache options in GameLona.ini(dont do anything to it if u dont know what u doing)
-*fixed, remove hom_mode tag on state&equip json. and check attr_type == “current” for replacement.
-*fixed, FireStaffNormal. add a function after launch. if player press normal_skill button again it will self destruct.
-*fixed, FireStaffNormal. alt skill when not fully charged, with jumpback effect, 15F Dodge, 1 more sta cost. and fix full charged SE and EFX.
-*fixed, TeslaStaffNormal. launch_since from 30+24 to 10, launch_max from 190 to 430, sta cost from 3 to 2 and -0.5 each channeling launch.
-*fixed, WaterStaffNormal. now with 3 charge level. each got different max range,damage,speed.
-*fixed, WaterBookControl. Tornado konckback direction now stable and based on Lona’s direction. cost from 1 to 5.
-*fixed, WaterBookheavy. Nova now hit twice, sta cost from 3 to 1+2+2.
-*fixed, chcg_basic_frame_mouth batch arousal rise by state and trait decresed 50%
-*fixed, Nymph Personality now increase will *1.3(so she suffer less from overevents)
-*fixed, merge last RUS fans translate.
-*fixed, new verb @forced_move_type_return_off for events. for spec level design needed.(first applyed to NoerArena warriors)
-*buggy, when ignite effect ends, theres a chance remain a light source on ground.(rewrite fadeout_delete, zoomout_delete)
-*buggy, NFL_OrkCamp2_RG38 cut scene sometime SlaveMaster stucked by events(mostly Orkind Baby)
-*buggy, fix all portrait file missing and file name typo.(alot)
-*buggy, @no_aggro+stunable NPC & ChainMaceNormalT1 skill sap stun lock bugs.
-*buggy, eventSexMode and story_mode_sex cause weird animation when fucker npc unset_chs_sex to a non npc reciver by attacks.
-*buggy, SaveFile screen wont update its preview screenshot unless return title(with a new cache “cache_savefile_bitmap” to fix it).
-*buggy, Lona’s hole first time record from string to array to save flag itself.(will reset to virgin)
-*mods, when loading extra modded icons with basic NHC skills cause a crash in trait menu & skill menu.
-*mods, fix a crit bug event init failed when loading extra maps from mod API. and change the way to load extra maps(demo2)
-*mods, add a new way to hack all event graphics in a mod.(demo2)
-*mods, Ingame mod manager, this is NOT ULTRA_MOD_MANAGER it just his UI based on original structure.(UI by UltraRev, TEST, BETA)
-*core, GameLona.ini GameMods.ini and Sav*.rvdata2 now moved to /UserData/, and will auto gen folders if not exist.

*** IRS horror edition, reset map b4 you play from old save ***
-*buggy, mood core, isWithinStaRange and isWithinMoodRange now with a protect code to check if mood stats out range.
-*buggy, since combo_skill move_route ID is renamed, if player kite OrkindWarboss, dude will stuck in defence stance forever.
-*buggy, when warboss killed by pillers, and successed to aggro a follower, game crash with follower cannot find target.
-*buggy, fixed all F0 skills cause double hit again because hit_cancel_mode applied another hit.
-*buggy, fixed darkpod meat calculate failed when there are different type of meats.
-*buggy, lona should not rise her arousal when with FeelsSick state?!(WUT)
-*buggy, mouse left click on number input window cause a crash.
-*buggy, mouse right click on number input window within anywhere outsude input window should exit.
-*buggy, NFL_OrkCamp2, should not trigger Doggy while its get rape by Orc.
-*buggy, fixed BasicNunHeal should not heal wounds without SaintFieldSupporter trait.
-*buggy, basicNeed now wont remove Lona’s key item equips like her hands.
-*buggy, all equip remove from events now with a removetable check.(so she dont strip bondage when bath)
-*buggy, fix medicine_HerbHi sat regen to sta. medicine_HiPotionLV5 sta regen from 60 to 100.
-*buggy, remove “Asdasdas” test code from NFL_MerCamp_RaidWaveEnd.rb
-*added, DarkPot recipes, JunkFood, MeatSalad, JunkFood now increase mood.
-*added, part_key_blacklist to json. to block spec part_key from equip or state.
-*added, ACH DefeatSpawnPoolWithoutDedOne.
-*added, skill tags now with race_skip, rape_only tags. will force to no damage if condition match.
-*fixed, NoerBackStreet rebuild all rapeloop events.
-*fixed, NoerBackStreet now wont trigger rapeloop if lona just WORK as whore but not as empolyee on backstreet.(but loan stay)
-*fixed, NoerBackStreet unique characters will get replacement when they are dead. and debt continue works after that.
-*fixed, world map now with GangDebtCollet npc when player debt is too high.
-*fixed, NPC Anomally search now will try to stand in range 1 if TGT.xy tile is not passable.
-*fixed, Command_BreakBondage now cause RapeLoopTorture if player under RapeLoop
-*fixed, low down RecQuestAriseVillageApe quest diffcult(level design). and ape now allowed into sneak stance.
-*buggy, common prostitution EVs get weird cuming slot when started from handjob to otherjob.
-*fixed, missile now wont ignore is_tiny npc, effect replaced to ignore_projectile tag. and only apply to WildAnimalRattus for now.
-*fixed, new state DeeponeHurk to repleace StomachSpasm when switch between TrueDeepone to PreDeepone
-*buggy, mouse click item in Menu_Equips, item_menu didint refresh_info.
-*buggy, reset_fapper_status now wont effect to npc in eventSexMode.
-*core, npc now with stat hash like lona.(more possible for future design)
-*fixed, all STD_Basic states now *0.6 sta to Abomination NPCs(temp, to test new core functions)
-*fixed, BroadSwordNormal launch_max form 190 to 430, and will apply Dizzy and stun if u hold too long.
-*fixed, state and equip effects json now with “hom_mode” tag can make effect only update in handle_on_move.

-*buggy, a crit bug cause by deleted event’s move_route. deleted event should not update its move_route.(0920)

-*buggy, state menu_hide_lvl cause a bug to display states in heality menu.
-*buggy, NPC combo skill now always remember last target(if any?).
-*buggy, u can no longer put non player baby into storage.
-*buggy, Cocona bath quest crash cause by 0920.

-*buggy, Game_DestroyableObject NPC should not play any death animation.
-*buggy, CollarTopExtra should not with chain step sound effect, that belong to ChainCollarTopExtra.
-*fixed, all Neckle atype_id from “NormalEQ” to “Neckle”
-*fixed, default mouse left clicks now work on message show_fast.
-*buggy, if game save screenshot failed, it will just not save the bitmap. so u can keep ur game save.(old header error may delete ur save. new one just save it without error header)
-*buggy, unset_event_chs_sex and process_nap_change now with a fucker cleaner to fix some more ghost penis issue.
-*buggy, FishTownR, rapeloop, FishGuards is rolling when sex with patroling FishGuards.
-*buggy, FishTownR, rapeloop FindParnter sub quest can be done without doing anything.
-*buggy, add a remove_stun_verbs under “def set_chs_sex” to clearn up stun verbs when sex.
-*buggy, SexyHeadEquip tag from “Hair” to “Equip”
-*buggy, chcg1_subpose2_equip_FootmanMid miss placed.
-*buggy, update_state_frames now wont remove all stack.(should remove 1 stack each time.)
-*fixed, Cocona now wont use summon skeleton skill when her target is a OBJ.
-*added, storage and trade menu now with a early design sort sub menu, press Skill1 to test it(temp and test, for hamster faggots)
-*added, exp_when_killed tag to NPC json.(for json API, wont give any usage)
-*added, ItemHoodCloakTop to southFL dress trader.

**make sure no one fighting in ur save. you must reset map after upgraded**
**hurted my back since 2023 dec, and get serious during moving, and it effected to my work. i need some break and slow down abit for a while.**
-*core, all battle system state add/remove from array to hash. (this may create new bugs)
-*added, immune_tgt_states,immune_tgt_state_type arrays tag for npc and player, this will block state effect from battle system.
-*fixed, TrueDeepone lona now will immune all Basic STD.
-*fixed, most abomination now immune all their parasite.
-*fixed, u can pick up most enemy NPC baby if its stunned, unless its blocked by map design.
-*fixed, all baby meat source nerfed from 21 to 4. player babys got 10~6
-*buggy, remove cocona dress RNG on UniqueEvent_CoconaVag.(RECroom usage still remain RNG)
-*buggy, storage menu with shift+mouse left click should clicked item only.

** all sex record renamed, mean ur lona will back to virgin after this release**
-*added, rebirth UI now with options to choose to keep level,bank,sex record.
-*fixed, bank and storage like DarkPot now sort items like Lona’s inventory and always sort Coins to top.
-*fixed, most story_stats sex record keys renamed.(will lost most ur sex record.)
-*fixed, cecily will aggro lona if she doing anything bad to grayrat.
-*buggy, PubicHairVag art key using melanin key?!
-*buggy, pose4_preg8m_equip_SlaveMid with wrong keys.
-*buggy, mouse click on equip_menu,ItemList, should not able to click index > 11.
-*buggy, rebuild Quick slot equip functions.(u wont feel any different, but less lines in code.)
-*buggy, AoeChannelSpdBuff now with no_interrupt tag.
-*buggy, Lona’s BasicFuckerGrab now ignore targets without fucker slot.
-*buggy, UnqueCecily’s sensor from “Eyes” to “Eyes_follower_cecily”.(unable to target OBJs b4 this fix)
-*added, StomachSeedBed, ParasitedHookWorm, ParasitedPolypWorm, AbomPolypWorm,AbomCreatureMeatHookworm(data only)

-*fixed, sexMenu now shows melanin.
-*buggy, game’s json decoder cant handle negative numbers since begin?!(all state add/remove by nap is broken)
-*buggy, QuickSLot items wont cost normally.

-*buggy, in NoerTavern, NoerTavernBeginGuilder barter OPT missing its call_msg(textFlag).
-*buggy, SaintMonastery_Begin.rb roll back some code lines to force cocona’s dress to maid.
-*buggy, when prostituation>Repent to a male refugees with default animation ex(sleeping). they will seen like Rolling, me haten .
-*buggy, when prostituation in NorthFL_INN. a Slave mode message will show up after sex “Job is done” even lona is not slave.
-*buggy, get_follower_id now focus on BACK FRONT EXT slot. follower based on map design not include.
-*fixed, for test reason. Lona now record last attacker when attacked by something, like all other NPC.
-*fixed, based on last line. add a def “check_lona_way_of_death” to check how Lona get killed and play different death event.(alpha tier1 dream comes true)
-*fixed, when preg, fishkind&deepone now wont give any seedbed state to lona.
-*fixed, PREG_GEN_SEEDBED_LEVEL, PREG_SEEDBED_HP_BOUNS Moved from preg system to System_Settings.(take care if ur modder)
-*jsons, $data_system.weapon_type and armor_type moved to json.
-*jsons, player_nap_state_control tag. change all “numberic” into real numberic, and add baby_health,arousal,addCums function lines.

-*added, CompNinjaKiller. temporary placed in NFL_BridgeBunker.
-*added, npcData json now with a new tag to add default state, and apply to following npcs.
Humie Hobos => chance with HSV,HPV.
Orkinds => high chance with Wart.
Aboms => 100% chance with parasite.
-*added, spread_when_sex json tag. when common sex, states with tag can spread between characters by chance. this also effect to npc sex.
battle sex => spread reciver to fucker at end of begin stage, fucker to reciver at end final stage
common sex => spread reciver to fucker every stage. fucker to reciver at every stage with 50% chance.
-*fixed, apply spread_when_sex json tag to HSV,HPV,FeelsSick,AnalSeedBed,VagSeedBed and all parasite states.
-*buggy, EffectWet missing “sexy” attribute_name.(0905)
-*buggy, NPCs missing death animation(09010), and remove weird loop on animation_overkill_melee_reciver since early beta.
-*buggy, in storage menu, now wont trigger switch between bag and box if u pressed same direction.
-*fixed, NPC health and sta debuff&buff from state now works.(test,core, yes. its not since alpha)
-*fixed, remove all abom parasite infest effect from prostitute events and remake it based on spread_when_sex system by add parasite states to those NPC.
-*fixed, show_npc_info function now display their sexy and weak and states.
-*added, BasicNeed skill now with “show_npc_info” function to check NPC’s basic stats. cost 1 STA if success.

*******Because no way to patch it. i deicided to repack current unstable build.***********
*******files&folder renamed, please backup ini and saves and reinstall***********
*******MAJOR UPDATE FOR MODDING API most ur mod is fucked, but system now with more possibility******
-*fixed, $data_SkillsName rename to $data_SkillName
-*mods, load_additional_data now support to load a specific file.json(check demo2)
-*core, MOST rgss data now able to modify by json, can create new item and state without import rvdata2 files.(check demo5)
-*core, ArpgSkills “name” replace with “item_name” to compatible with item_config.
-*fixed, because stupid reason to test stupid new item_config core. lona can eat her own hands for nothing.
-*fixed, item’s attribute_change rename to use_item_effect, to seperate equip effect and use item effect so u can eat horseCock.
-*buggy, AbomHiveHeart should not target its own minions, AbomCreatureHiveTentacle’s set aggro should redirect to its Master.


1. Extract and run.

Official Text Project:  – MEGA – PIXELDRAIN
Patch Tool: LonaRPG MTL

Extras: Guide – Cheat Mod* – English Patch – Guide – Wiki – Big Booba Mod

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