Peasant’s Quest [v3.62] [Tinkerer]

Peasant’s Quest is set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a young farm boy out to seek adventure, and perhaps meet a few hot damsels in distress along the way.​

Thread Updated: 2025-01-11
Release Date: 2025-01-11
Developer: Tinkerer Patreon – Website – Discord – Subscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 3.62
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Overview:Peasant’s Quest is set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a young farm boy out to seek adventure, and perhaps meet a few hot damsels in distress along the way.​


  • Added option to place bedroll in Vix’s cave
  • Added Tabufa’s ghost to the goblin valley, in case you regret not taking her with you. You’ll find her near the passage to the Kroggoth mountain (north-west).
  • Added birds/ravens to the Western road map and Greta and Mia’s map.
  • Rosy will now “bake” with you if at least 3 days have passed since giving birth (changed from 15 days).
  • Rosy milkmachine scene is now available if her affection is at least 30% instead of 50%.
  • Fixed the game-freezing-upon-entering-rented-house bug.
  • Minor graphical and spelling fixes


  • Vixenatrix can now lay eggs (no children yet)
  • New character, Tabufa. A goblin female.
  • Four new quests
  • New animations and pregnant version for one of Sequoia’s existing scenes
  • 2 new scenes for Vixenatrix.
  • 3/4 new scenes for Tabufa
  • New resources and craftable items (dragon eggshells, dragon armor)
  • Several new map sections
  • Fixes to food crafting menu
  • Lots of minor fixes/changes.


  • Refurbished an existing scene for Victoria with new animations and images, it now also has a pregnant version. It can be triggered when she is about to go to bed (see walkthrough file in game folder for more info).
  • Added scenes for two more characters for LOCO’s sexbench
  • Added a completely new crafting menu for potions, perfumes, food, etc. You should now be able to easily batch create items.
  • Minor bugfixes and other changes.


  • 5 New quests
  • 1 New character (Naamah)
  • More story for Erevi, Qetesh, Alice
  • 6 New scenes (1 Erevi, 2 Alice, 1 Qetesh and 2 for the new character).
  • 3 New maps/floor plans
  • New enemies (void lurkers, ancient guards)
  • New sex toy for the dungeon (although only available for Erevi at the moment).
  • Two new items, a bedroll and Trapped Souls. Bedrolls can be used to sleep on, only the alley and Naamah’s palace are supported for now. Trapped souls are the equivalent to pastries for Naamah.
  • A bunch of bugfixes


  • Refurbished existing images/scenes
  • New scenes and animations for Beth.
  • One additional new scene for Caleah
  • 4 new quests for Beth, plus an additional old quest added to the quest log
  • New floorplans for buildings
  • Automated seed collection
  • Tavern building opened up in Greyport, so you can spend the night
  • Thugs will now roam the alleys of Greyport during the night (vampire snacks)
  • Beth can now have up to 6 named children, plus an unlimited number of unnamed/unsprited children).
  • Bugfixes and minor improvements.

Pregnancy caps for Alice, Victoria, Ziva, Liandra, Luthien and Caleah have been removed. Children beyond their old caps (10 or 6) won’t be represented by sprites and can’t been named.
Vampires have been given a chance of pregnancy bonus in addition to 25% base chance (with advanced fertility potion). The chance of becoming pregnant now increases by 3% per child they already have, up to 30%. So, after 10 children the chance of becoming pregnant is now 55%.
Doggy target rate has been reduced from 50% to 30%, making enemies less likely to target your companion. In addition Colar of Stealth evasion bonus has been increased from 5% to 15% (so it’s more likely to doge the attack once targeted).
A bunch of minor changes and bug fixes.

– 4 new quests related to Birgitte
– 6 new scenes for Birgitte, two of which can also be performed with Frida or Hilde
– Birgitte can have up to 6 nameable children and an unlimited number of nameless (and spriteless) kids
– Mia’s children can now be hired to collect resources (wood, red mushrooms, stone shrooms and blue lilies).
– 1 new clothing item for sale in Edgar’s shop
– Madam Daiyu now sells “Chests of The Ancients”. Magically linked storage chests.
– New craftable item (Sun Lotion).
– Increased affection deterioration grace periode to 15 days
– Makith (goblin shaman) now sells musk glands
– some other minor changes/additions and a whole lot of bugfixes
– probably some new bugs.

– New floorplans for Edgar’s shop, Marcus’ shop and Frida’s house. I exchanged the standard RPG Maker mapping with parallax maps for better movement and to bring them inline with the rest of the maps.
– Changed affection deterioration for females. Increased the grace period before affection loss to 10 days for now (I know most voted for 15 days, but I want to test 10 days first). Obeah now only loses 3 points per day instead of 5, after the first time she runs away.
– Changed cheatmode. Instead of random chests with loot here and there, there is now a central location with chests with certain useful potions/items. These will replenish everyday. Some will remain empty until you have unlocked the items via the quests. Good luck finding the new cheat activation (it’s still on the same map).
– Some additional minor changes and fixes.

– 6 new quests
– 2 new maps + floor plan
– New scenes for Frida and Hilde
– Hilde can now have children (max 6 named children, excess children don’t receive sprites or names)
– Frida can now give birth to more than 6 children (but only 6 nameable, same as Hilde).
– New armor/equipment (cloak) + new resources (feathers, deer carcass, antlers)
– New NPC (Birgitte), only partial nudity thus far.
– Some bugfixes and minor changes I no longer recall:).

v3.20 Test

v3.15 Fix
One of Jenny’s animations in v3.15 is at a test-render resolution of 504×360. If you unzip this file (the discord bot doesn’t allow me to post sexual content…) and paste it in the movies folder, you should get the proper 1008×720 animation.

New features/changes since 3.12:
– 2 New quests “The Milk Maid” and “The Salesman”.
– 2 New scenes for Julia and Annabelle and 2 new scenes for Jenny
– You can now produce milk and cheese at the farm, or have your kids do the work for you:).
– Annabelle, Julia and Rosy have had their child caps removed (“excess” children are not represented by sprites).
– Jenny has a received a fertility boost equal to 3% per child she has given birth to. The bonus is capped at 30%.
– If you somehow managed to sell your tranquilizer, Harald will now sell you a new one.
– Fixed a bug that allowed you to have sex with Alice in the grape cellar when she isn’t at the temple yet.
– Fixed a bug that allowed you to have sex in bed with Erevi, just after she had given birth to your daughter, causing said daughter to instantly grow up.



TEST BUILD Peasant’s Quest V3.10
Hi there!
Sorry I missed the promised release date yesterday, but it was still to buginfested to release. I’m honestly still conflicted about releasing it in the state it is, but promises have been made and my flight is only hours away. So, if you do attempt to play this build, make sure you have a backup of your old saves, because this is a high risc build. You have been warned.
New stuff
I also regret to say that I haven’t had time to make a walkthrough yet, I’ll post one this weekend. But the new events are triggered 3 days after you upgrade Julia’s house (that house quest requires 4 kids and you asking for sex again to trigger). Even if you upgraded her house ages ago, you still have to wait 3 days, since the counter is new.
The new content for Julia and Annabelle end after you upgrade the barn. In addition Harald, the petstore owner in greyport now has 4 random repeatable capture quests. Use the tranquilizer.
Missing stuff
Some cutscene images and 2 animations (julia in barn + Alice making wine) are still missing. And a lot of other minor things still need to be adjusted or added.
Also note this build is for Windows only. Other OS’es will be supported at the official release.

Version 3.01 mainly adds more story for Gwynneth and Maghda. With their new quests triggering around the time they gave birth to their first child. Both girls are now finally done with their eternal pregnancy, and gave have multiple children.

New features/changes:
– 6 new quests (2 for Maghda, 4 for Gwynneth)
– added non pregnant version of Gwynneths “on the table” sex scene and added animations to both version.
– 2 new scenes for Maghda
– 2 new scenes for Gwynneth, including a guest appearance from Victoria.
– Added a pet store to Greyport, you can now buy a dog and some accessories. More will be added in later updates.
– Added some new floorplans
– Fixed a few bugs + other minor improvements.

– Gwynneth’s alley scenes have been reworked with new images and animations. They are now also in pregnant and non-pregnant versions.
– Added a new version of the “Play” scene for Erevi’s daughter. Both a troll and a “handsome prince” option are now available.
– Added some new items for Daiyu’s shop
– The Magic Book of Girls is now also available from the main menu (once you find it).
– Changed the maps for the tavern and blacksmith

– Minor improvements and bugfixes.
– 8 new quests (1 more than in the test build)
– 7 new scenes + variations, no less than 48 unique animations.
– A new shop in Greyport (still with a very limited selection)
– New maps + 1 refurbished map (the one near the tower)
– New items to craft (perfume and one armor type).
– New Magic book index
– Several other minor improvements and bugfixes

Mayor New Features:
Compendium/magical book containing some useful stats for each girl in the game. This can be acquired by performing a quest. Speak to the innkeeper, exit tavern and re-enter to trigger quest. The compendium is still a work in progress, the index is temporary and currently lists every girl in the game, even though you may not have met them yet. An improved index will be implemented in a later update (probably 2.91).

Extended storyline for the goblins. 4 new quests resulting in a new female. The first quest triggers once you have completed the quest “A Rebellious Tribe” (where you got the Sequoia, the pygmy goblin), and your population is greater than 60.

Smaller New Features:
I added a non-pregnant version of Victoria’s doggy-style scene. Both the pregnant and non-pregnant version now also include animations.
Added a spirit potion point by the well for Liandra’s old scenes.

Bug fixes
A whole lot of bug fixes this time around, mostly thanks to one particular member of the Discord community. And I’m still only halfway through his list…..


1. Extract and run.


Update Only (v3.55 or later -> v3.62)


Patches: Spicy Content Mod (Incest)* – Gnome Mod (Bestiality)*
Extras: Fan Signature – CG COLLECTION – Save – Walkthrough – Gallery/Cheat Mod* – Quest Dependency Chart – HD-Mod*

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